A lateral move that hurt my pride and blocked my professional progress prompted me to abandon my relatively high profile career although, in the manner of a disgraced government minister, I covered my exit by claiming“I wanted to spend more time with my family”.(Text5. 2001)
lateral / ?l?t?r?l / adj.侧面的;横向的
lateral move 平级调动
pride / praid / n.自豪;骄傲
block / bl?k / v.堵塞;阻塞
prompt / pr?mpt / v.促使;导致;激起
relatively / ?rel?tivli / adv.相当程度上;相当地;相对地
high profile adj.高姿态的;高调的;备受瞩目的
in the manner of 以……方式;照……的式样
disgraced / dis'greist / adj.失势的;丢脸的
minister /m?n?st?/ n. 大臣;部长
cover / ?k?v?(r) / v.遮掩;掩盖
claim / kleim / v.宣称;声称
in a manner / in a fashion / in a way都是常考的同义词组,表示“以...的方式”,请积累下来。(fashion除了时尚,还可以构成这个词组表示方式,你没有看错哦)


Which of the following is true according to this paragraph?
A. Full-time employment is a new international trend.
B. The writer was compelled by circumstances to leave her job.
C. "A lateral move" means stepping out of full-time employment.
D. The writer was only too eager to spend more time with her family.
(留言区写一下你的答案哦~ 如果有人写了一样的答案,可以点赞看看有多少人选了一样的,哈哈)
1. 题目很清楚地让你定位到这一段?,并且找出和原文一致的表达。
原文:When I decided to quit my full time employment it never occurred to me that I might become a part of a new international trend. A lateral move that hurt my pride and blocked my professional progress prompted me to abandon my relatively high profile career although, in the manner of a disgraced government minister, I covered my exit by claiming“I wanted to spend more time with my family”.(Text5. 2001)
2. A选项 Full-time employment is a new international trend.(全职工作是一种国际新潮流),哇,看起来好像和原文第一句一样诶!但是!请注意!原文第一句说的是“当我辞去全职工作时,绝不会想到自己竟然会成为国际新潮流的一份子”,擦亮眼睛看清楚啊!!!成为新潮流的是“辞去全职工作”。所以:“辞职不再做全职”是新潮流!但是“全职工作”并不是新潮流!所以A的逻辑与原文刚刚好相反!
B选项The writer was compelled by circumstances to leave her job.(作者因环境所迫而辞职)。从原文红字部分,我们看到“一次伤害到我自尊、阻断我事业发展的平级(人事)调动,促使我放弃了我那相对体面的职业”,可见作者辞职是因为工作调动,所以确实是“环境所迫”。没有完全读懂的同学,其实也可以找一下同义替换,选项里的compelled by对应文中的prompt to;circumstances 对应文中的a lateral move; leave her job 对应文中的abandon...job。因此选B。
C选项"A lateral move" means stepping out of full-time employment.(平级调动意味着退出全职工作),这个选项,有很多喜欢过度推理的同学会直接选。仍然是看文中红字部分,原文说的是“伤害到我自尊、阻断我事业的平级调动”迫使我“放弃了工作”。可见,“平级调动”是导致我退出全职工作的原因。但是选项却把这种因果关系混为一谈。选项竟然认为“平级调动”就是“退出全职工作”。
D选项The writer was only too eager to spend more time with her family. (作者太想多花时间与家人在一起了)。本句利用原文中的最后一句设置障碍,although, in the manner of a disgraced government minister, I covered my exit by claiming“I wanted to spend more time with my family”.这句话是说,我像一个失势的大臣一样,找了个借口,以“我想多陪陪家人”来掩盖辞职的原因。可见,多陪家人,只是个借口,是个幌子而已。
I have been transformed from a passionate advocate of the philosophy of “having it all,” preached by Linda Kelsey for the past seven years in the page of She magazine, into a woman who is happy to settle for a bit of everything.(Text5. 2001)