Yesterday I had lunch at a Mexican restaurant near my clinic and I witnessed something funny.
A waitress was eager to speak in English with foreign customers, and she tried to act natural and after finishing the order, she asked a foreigner “Where have you been?” (I guess she probably meant to say where have you been to, or where do you live? Something along those lines.) The customer was shocked, and he didn’t even know how to reply.
He said “ahh... I’ve been staying slim”
Which he jokingly meant as a phrase to say “I’ve been staying away from unhealthy food such as the food served here”.

说到这里想起了被网友封为山东天后的蕾哈娜( Rihanna)的歌曲, 《Where Have You Been》被网友恶搞成“威海油饼”。类似的还有 《We Found Love》被歌迷谐音翻译成“潍坊的爱”。还有更牛的弹幕,比如Katy Perry的《Firework》,里面的 baby you're firework,这句歌词被翻译成“宝贝你是个大呲花”“宝贝你是个大炮仗”? (图片来自网络)
Oh Mexican food, where have you been all my life?
?The five most popular Mexican dishes that are seen in restaurants outside of Mexico are surely tacos, nachos, fajitas, burritos and quesadillas.
In America, for example, Taco Bell is a fast food chain that serves primarily those five items in a variety of fashions. It's funny how tacos, burritos, quesadillas, fajitas, and nachos are all nearly identical. Each item is prepared in a different shape, with slightly different ingredients, but if you were to lay out all of the ingredients on a table, no one could guess which one you were going to make!

和睦家广渠门诊所边上的乐城中心有一间很棒的墨西哥餐厅,不如打完流感疫苗,就顺道去尝尝吧? (作者供图)
Where have you been , just means the person asking the question is wondering what you have been doing because they haven't seen you.Like asking "how come I haven't seen you around here?

祝大家周末赏叶愉快! 喜欢就点个在看??呗!