命题负责人: 张倩 考试时间: 120 分钟 卷面分值: 150 分 )
(命题范围: Book4 Units4-5,Book5Units1-2 )
One trend in app development is positivity programs designed specificallyto help retrain our brain to
think positively.Here are our top recommendations for apps to improve your positive mood.
Think Up
Having a 4.7 starrating this app is a heavy hitter in the world of positivity apps.People arefinding that they can learn to be positive and save their lives from theconvenience of their handheld devices. We no longer have to go to the libraryand check out books. Just download this free app and start thinking positivelyand watch how your life changes.
This app isrecognized as the "best of 2018" and it helps you with dailymotivation and personal care. This app's goal is to help reduce your stress, sodon't worry about adding one more thing to your to-do list. They sendmotivational texts including a gratitude journal. This is an incredible waytechnology joins great minds so we can all improve together!
Holding a strong4.9 star evaluation grade, this is one we love. It can help you keep a journal,has incredible courses and lets you exchange ideas with a whole community ofpeople working to become more positive. We love the creativity that went intomaking this app and think it has a lot to offer.
This app gains a4.8 star rating after over 2,622 ratings, which has handpicked motivationvideos and music playlists for any mood you'd like to get into. If you need torelax or get energized or inspired to grow in specific areas of your life, thisunique app will help you choose your category and get you thinking positivelyabout it through the use of images and music.
1.Which can help you with personal care?
A.Think Up B. Shine C. Happier D.Motivate
2.What do the four apps have in common?
A. They offer interactiveteaching. B. They enable users to be more positive.
C. They are all star-rated. D.They help people reach their goals.
3.What's special about the app Motivate?
A.It gains thehighest rating.B.It helps peoplekeep a journal.
C.It providesvideos and music.D.It sendsmotivational texts.
Many people believe Henry Ford invented the automobile. But Henry Forddid not start to build his first car until 1896. That was eleven years aftertwo Germans developed the world's first automobile. Many people believe HenryFord invented the production line that moved a car's parts to the worker,instead of making the worker move to the parts. That is not true, either. Manyfactory owners used methods of this kind before Ford. What Henry Ford did wasto use other people's ideas and make them better. And he made the whole factorya moving production line.
In the early days of the automobile, almost every car maker raced hiscars. It was the best way of gaining public notice. Henry Ford decided to builda racing car. Ford's most famous race was his first one. It was also the lastrace in which he drove the car himself.
The race was in 1901, at a field near Detroit. All of the most famouscars had entered, but only two were left: the Winton and Ford's. The Winton wasfamous for its speed. Most people thought the race was over before it began.
The Winton took an early lead. But halfway through the race, it began tolose power. Ford started to gain. And near the end of the race, he took thelead. Ford won the race and defeated the Winton. His name appeared in newspapersand he became well-known all over the United States. Within weeks of the race,Henry Ford formed a new automobile company. In 1903, a doctor in Detroit boughtthe first car from the company. Thatsale was the beginning of Henry Ford's dream. Ford said: "I will builda motor car for the great mass of people. It will be large enough for thefamily, but small enough for one person to operate and care for. It will bebuilt of the best materials. It will be built by the best men to be employed.And it will be built with the simplest plans that modern engineering canproduce. It will be so low in price that no man making good money will beunable to own one."
The Model T was a car of that kind. It only cost $850. It was a simplemachine that drivers could depend on. Doctors bought the Model T. So didfarmers, even criminals. They considered it the fastest and surest form oftransportation. Americans loved the Model T. They wrote stories and songs aboutit. Thousands of Model Ts were built in the first few years.
4.What do we know about HenryFord from Paragraph 1?
A. He invented the productionline. B. He produced the first car in the world.
C. He knew how to improve autoparts. D. He made good use of ideas from others.
5.Why did Henry Ford take part inthe 1901 car race?
A. To show off his drivingskills. B. To learn about newtechnology.
C. To draw public attention. D. To raise money for his new company.
6."That sale" inParagraph 4 refers to _____.
A. the selling of Ford cars atreduced prices
B. the selling of a car to aDetroit doctor
C. the sale of Model T to themass of people
D. the sales target for the FordCompany
7.What was Henry Ford's dreamaccording to the text?
A. Producing cars for averagecustomers B. Building racing cars of simple design
C. Designing more car models D.Starting more companies
"Don't tellanyone". We hear these words when someone tells a secret to us. But it canbe hard to keep a secret. We're often tempted to "spill the beans ",even if we regret it later.
According to Asim Shah, professor in theMenninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Baylor College ofMedicine, US, keeping a secret may well "become a burden". This isbecause people often have an "obsessive (无法摆脱的) and anxious urge toshare it with someone".
An earlier study, led by Anita E. Kelly, ascientist at the University of Notre Dame, US, suggested that keeping a secretcould cause stress. People entrusted with secrets can suffer from depression,anxiety, and body aches, reported the Daily Mail.
But with secrets so often getting out, why dopeople share them at all? Shah explained that people often feel that it willhelp them keep a person as a friend. Another reason people share secrets isguilt over keeping it from someone close to them. A sense of distrust candevelop when people who are close do not share it with each other."Keeping or sharing secrets often puts people in a position of eithergaining or losing the trust of someone." according to Shah.
He added that talkative people could letsecrets slip out. But this doesn't mean that it is a good idea only to sharesecrets with quiet people. A quiet person may be someone who keeps everythinginside. To tell such a person a secret may cause them stress, and make themtalk about the secret.
Shah saidthat to judge whether to tell someone a secret, you'd better put yourself intheir position. Think about how you would feel to be told that you mustn't givethe information away. Shah also recommended that if you accidentally give upsomeone's secret you should come clean about it. Let the person know that theirsecret isn't so secret anymore.
8. theunderlined phrase "spill the beans" closest in meaning to
A. let out asecret B. tell the truth C. eat our words D. take gossip
9.A personwho is entrusted with a secret
A. is oftenobsessed with a certain threat
B. oftenwould rather not have been told about it
C. usuallyhas a strong desire to keep it until death
D. may sufferfrom physical or psychological problems
10.What canwe learn from the passage?
A. Quietpeople are more likely to keep the secrets to themselves.
B. Sharingsecrets helps establish friendship or get over the sense of guilt.
C. It'sbetter to inform others of the chances of your leaking secrets beforehand.
D. Puttingyourself in others' shoes helps realize the difficulty of keeping secrets.
11.What's thebest title for the passage?
A. Every wallhas a crack.
B. Stilltongues make wise heads.
C. A wordspoken is past recalling.
D. Walls haveears.
If you followany people who like traveling on Instagram, you’ve probably noticed they’veposted amazing photos from Portugal in the last few years, especially duringpeak summer months. Mario Fernandes, a co-creator and the editor of Golisbonsaid he had seen increased interest in traveling to Portugal in the past fiveyears, particularly in the last two or three. Cindy Goldberger, a traveladviser for Hiatus, an agency in Brooklyn, New York, said that she noticed anincrease in Portugal trips about three years ago and that she gets morerequests to plan people’s visits there every year. According to Reuters, thenumber of foreign tourists visiting Portugal hit a record for 2017, and in thesame year the country won the world’s leading destination at the World TravelAwards.
Fernandes suggested it’s because Portugal is safe andmore affordable than many other Western European countries. The country’sfrequent sunshine is also attractive to many visitors. The Algarve, thesouthernmost area of Portugal, is home to “some of Europe’s most beautifulbeaches,” according to Fenandes. Goldberger noted that many airlines haveoffered better routes to the country in recent years. She’s also a fan of thenew hotels that have opened, including farms that have become hotels.
Eric Hrubant, the president of Cire Travel, notedthat there is another reason. “It’s a small country, yet you have cities withrich history, culture and food, as well as a lot of beach and golfing options,”he said. “In five to 10 days, you can have a vacation or honeymoon that catersto all of your senses and desires.”
Hrubant pointed out that celebrities(名人) like Madonna and newlywedsMichael Fassbender and Alicia Vikander have moved to Portugal, which has putthe country more popular.
So you don’t know where to go for a vacation thissummer? Now you can make a better choice.
12. What does Paragraph 1 mainly say about Portugal?
A. It’s doing its best toattract tourists. B.It’s been made popular by Instagram.
C. It’s become a populartourist destination. D. Its development depends on itstourism.
13. According to Cindy Goldberger, what encourages more people to goto Portugal?
A. Lower expenses. B. Convenient transportation. C. Frequent sunshine. D. Beautiful beaches.
14. What does the underlined words “caters to” in paragraph 3 mean?
A. upsets. B.improves. C. satisfies. D. frightens
15. What’s the author’s main purpose in writing the text?
A. To encourage people tovisit Portugal. B. To recommendsome Portuguese trips.
C. To tell some basic factsabout Portugal. D.To explain why Portugal has become famous.
Why I Love Cycling
One of the first things I did when I moved toa new city was to hire a bike. Why was that? 16 Youtravel much faster than on foot and you notice so much more of yoursurroundings than when in a bus or a car. It's more appealing to wander downsmall streets if they seem interesting, as you can quickly get back to the mainroad.
Besides, I soon discovered plenty morebenefits to cycling.
Having a bike means that fewer places,especially in a small city like the one where I live now, feel far away. For example,cycling to work takes me half the time that it would to walk. 17
Of course, there are obvious health benefitsof cycling - a bit of extra movement as part of your daily routine can help youkeep fit and healthy. Cycling on my way to work also makes me feel moreenergetic in the mornings.
18 While cars pollute the environment, bikes arecarbon-neutral. Furthermore, thanks to being petrol-free, bikes are cheaper torun, buy and fix than cars. Even if you don't own a car, a bike can pay foritself when compared to the price of bus tickets.
19 Always wear a helmet, pay attention to othertraffic and don't forget your lights at night. Make sure you know the roadrules, especially in a new place. Some cities are more cycle-friendly thanothers. 20 Luckily, where I live now is pretty easyto ride a bike around, thanks to having lots of cycle lanes and not too manyhills!
A. However, be careful whencycling.
B. I have to learn to ride safelyon the right of the road.
C. Importantly, cycling also helpsto reduce your carbon footprint.
D.And sometimes city roads aredifficult or unpleasant for cyclists.
E. Riding a bike also means you'renot restricted by bus timetables.
F. Seeing a city by bike is idealfor settling in and learning your way around.
G. Cycling to work excellently fits forsomeone who wants to save their pocket money.
第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
My bike wasstolen last Saturday. Left with a lock and a 21 heart, I decided to leave the thiefa 22 .Armed with yellow paint, I 23a big cardboard sign and hung it on my gate. It said:
“To the person who stole my bicycle:
I hope you need it morethan I do. I need it to get to work. I can’t 24 anotherone.
PS: Bring it back.”
I felt a little 25 writing the sign. But I knew other people’sbicycles had been stolen in the neighborhood, and the least I could do was to 26 what had happened. I left it up for seven 27.
On Wednesday evening, ayoung man knocked at my door, carrying a 28 .
“Did you get your bike stolen?” asked the guy.“I had this bike 29 around, so I figured you might be able to useit.” I was surprised by the 30 and tried to explain my intentions, saying Ireally appreciated it, 31 wasn't sure if I'd be able to use it. What wasclear, however, was that it wasn't about the bicycle, it was about the desireto 32 . Finally I accepted, very 33 by the kindness.
A snowstorm came thenext day, and my husband suggested I 34 thesign. I 35 -my bike was stolen on the weekend, so the signwould stay up until the next weekend.
On Saturday morning, I got another 36 on the door. It was a middle-aged woman. Shesaid she drove twice around the block so she could 37 readmy sign. “What kind of bicycle do you need?” she asked. “If I 38 one, I’ll bring it to you.” Then she gave me abig hug.
I felt strengthened. This sign was 39 things.So much kindness was pouring out from such a simple gesture of 40 myselfup to the universe.
21. A. warm B. soft C. big D. heavy
22. A. lesson B. note C. problem D. picture
23. A. read B. followed C. made D. saw
24. A. lose B. lend C. choose D. afford
25. A. wrong B. happy C. foolish D. dangerous
26. A. say B. know C. ignore D. realize
27. A. hours B. days C. weeks D. months
28. A. bike B. sign C. board D. gun
29. A. traveling B. turning C. lying D. playing
30. A. answer B. advice C. promise D. offer
31. A. but B. or C. and D. so
32. A. return B. come C. help D. pay
33. A. confused B. amazed C. excited D. touched
34. A. look for B. take down C. hold up D. give away
35. A. refused B. obeyed C. agreed D. doubted
36. A. knock B. pull C. gift D. poster
37. A. hardly B. fully C. easily D. silently
38. A. borrow B. find C. steal D. deliver
39. A. providing B. showing C. changing D. running
40. A. holding B. picking C. giving D. opening
第二节 语篇填空(共2大题,20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
Hebei Province'sSaihanba is the planet's 41 (large) man-made forest. Before 1962,Saihanba was a wasteland with only 12%forest cover. With a small-but-mighty crew of 369 able workers, the Saihanbareforestation (重新造林) project 42 (begin).Many of them left their previous homes, to move to Hebei and join in the work.Although 43 (challenge) withlong periods of frost and drought (干旱)inthe 1970s and 1980s 44 resulted in the death of large quantities ofplants and animals in the Saihanba, they continued their work and the forestbegan to take on 45 new look.
At present, theSaihanba measures 185,000 square acres of 46 (heavy) forested land. The Saihanba's treescan absorb 747,000 tons of carbon dioxide and produce 545,000 tons of oxygeneach day. The Saihanba has become a showpiece of three 47 (generation)of hard work and determination. The zone is studied and has been used as anexample of 48 deserted land can be transformed into 49 (value) and vital forests. The northern Chinaarea's success has been so notable that the term "the SaihanbaSpirit" has come to indicate 50 (brave) and commitment and brought Hebeipraise and honour from around the world.
Clara Hale was born on April 1, 1905 in NorthCarolina. In 1932, Clara faced the saddest thing in her life. Her husband died, 51 (leave) her with twochildren. To support her children, she 52 (get) a job as a babysitter for children withmothers too busy 53 (look) after their own children. During thenext 25 years, she was a foster mother to over 40 children.
As more and more 54 (problem)of drug abuse came up, more and more people would come to her door, holding achild, usually because the child's mother took drugs and either couldn't 55 wouldn’tcare for the child. Within six months, she had 22 babies in a five-roomapartment. As 56 matter of fact, her apartment was packed, butshe never said no to a child who no one wanted.
In 1985, Clara founded the organization 57 (call) the Hale House Center. It was anorganization for children 58 mothers took drugs. At the Hale House Center,there would be about 100 children there a week.
Clara was a loving, 59 (self) mother to over 800 children in herlife. She devoted her whole life 60 these unwanted children. She died onDecember 18, 1992 with a feeling in her heart that she had changed people’s lives.
61. This room may be used forweddings and other ________ (功能).
62. You could see whether hewants to chat or not from his f________ expression and the body language.
63. A________ to the show willonly be by invitation.
64. Rain forests are filledwith amazing ________ (生物).
65.As is well-known,a whitepigeon _________(象征)_peace.
66.Her style of writingis______(独一无二的)among all the studentsin the school.
67. The fertilizers used onmany farms are p________ the water supply.
68. It is known that manytypes of cancer can now be c________.
69. If we f________ something,we expect and believe that it will happen.
70. The government has________ (宣布) that public spending will beincreased.
71. The clear reasons for thedisaster are difficult to ________ (分析).
72. Could you c________ thefirst point please? I don’t understand it completely.
73. The students a________ thedifficult task in less than ten minutes, which made me surprised.
74. The bank can supply youwith foreign ________ (货币).
75. Bruce studied classical________ (建筑学) and design in Rome.
文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处.每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改.
增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(^), 并在其下面写出该加的词.
修改:在错的词下画一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词.
注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
2. 只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分.
When talked about my dream, I recalled mychildhood, which I started learning to sing. At that time it was my interestled me to sing. Hard although I learned, I was happy then. And with time goingon, I have gradually realized sing is my whole life. I like it or enjoy it. Iwant to stand on an even big stage to sing where not only will my dream be cometrue but also I can send my beautiful song to all the audience. I want to transferhappy and encouragement to the audience by singing, letting us cheer up.
假定你是李华, 你的美国交换生同学Amber想去参加市博物馆的外籍志愿讲解员选拔活动,发邮件向你征求意见.请你回复邮件, 内容包括:
1. 表示支持并说明理由;
2. 参选前需要做的准备.
1. 词数100左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯.
参考词汇:讲解员 docent

21-25DBCDC 26-30 ABACD 31-35 ACDBA 36-40 ABBCD
41.largest; 42.began; 43.challenged;4 4.which/that;45.a;
46.heavily; 47.generations; 48.how; 49.valuable; 50.bravery
51. leaving;52.got;53.to look;54.problems;55.or;
61.functions 62.facial 63.Admission 64.creatures 65.represents 66.unique
67.polluting 68.cured 69.foresee 70.announced 71.analyse 72.clarify
73.accomplished 74.currency 75.architecture
1. talk改为talking。
2. which 改为when。
3. led me 前加that
4. although改为though/as。
5. sing改为singing。
6. or改为and。
7. big 改为bigger。
8. come true前去掉be。
9. happy 改为happiness。
10. us 改为them。
I'm glad to know that you are interested inthe position as a volunteer docent in the city museum. I surely approve of this idea because this job not only is beneficial toyour Chinese study but also enables you to learn more about the history andculture of the city.【高分句型一】(表示支持并说明理由)
Before the selection, you'd better prepare a self﹣introduction, where you can show your love and understanding ofChinese culture.【高分句型二】 It's also helpful to learn something about themuseum in advance, such as its exhibitions and activities. You can either visit its website or go to the museum in person.(参选前需要做的准备)
Feelfree to turn to me if there's any further questions.(愿意提供进一步的帮助)
Li Hua