Peter Michael Stone 博士
Hello, I am Michael Stone.
I am a family physician with additional training in obviously Functional Medicine but Emergency Medicine, chronic wound care, Hyperbaric Medicine, and Intensive Care Medicine.
大家好我是Michael Stone。我是一名家庭医生,除了功能医学,我在急诊医学、慢性伤口护理、高压氧治疗和重症监护医学等方面接受过额外的培训。
I’ve been an International Lecturer for Functional Medicine since the early days, the early days of Functional Medicine, and I am one of the faculty for the Institute for Functional Medicine.I am excited to come to the 7th Annual Asia Pacific Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice.I’ll be speaking on four topics.
And I will suggest in that lecture and give proof that we need to consider preconception all the way through pregnancy. The developmental programming of health versus disease will give you tools, which you can apply to your patients who are pregnant to try to avoid deforming phenotypes of pregnancy that increase your risk of disease.
The next three topics are about after the child is born. The first one, they’re really common issue in infancy and that is colic.
Infantile colic, we now know is actually affected by the microbiome that the baby has.And there is an inflammatory microbiome that indeed increases the risk of colic but that’s not all.It also increases the risk of neuroinflammation.
That of course, ties to the next topic. The functional medicine approach to ADHD and autism, really focusing on the mitochondria. So, what are the tools and the markers you can use to help your patients with ADHD or autism to improve their outcome?
And finally, the fourth topic is no matter how the child is born, what the child’s health condition is, what are some of the simple tools you can use to build resilience? Building resilience in the patient in the baby who is a result of fetal alcohol syndrome or you are early diabetic. What are the things you can do to build resilience?
Those are some of the topics I will be covering in this 7th Annual Asian Pacific Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice.I look very much forward to seeing there in early December.Thank you.
——Michael Stone

北京协和洛奇功能医学中心是中国知名的功能医学一体化服务平台,深耕功能医学领域十余年。由美国功能医学及抗衰老诊断中心——原Genova Diagnostics主任兼法人何健博士携原班专家团队共同创建,由北京协和医学院、上海交通大学、北京大学华东产业研究院提供学术与资源支持。协和洛奇立足大健康产业发展潮流,基于“生命活力高于健康”的全新理念,业务囊括检验检测、个性化诊疗、专业培训、健康传播等多个领域,全面提供以功能医学为主导的健康管理、慢病治疗、康复及抗衰老等服务。现已为国内外千余家医院、知名体检机构、医疗中心提供服务,深受合作机构与广大客户的好评。