Principal's Newsletter 18 Oct 2019
I hope all of you had a restful and relaxing time with your families over Golden Week. The staff enjoyed some well deserved relaxation after a busy start to the school year. Now we are back and busy preparing for the next month which is extremely hectic, with many activities and our visit from the IB.
Parent Association
It was wonderful to see so many parents join us for our first Parent Association meeting and to volunteer to join the Organising Committee. We will hold these Association meetings every six weeks throughout the year, with the smaller Organising Committee meeting more frequently.
The role of the Parent Association is to learn about the school programs and to share and work together with staff to create the kind of learning community we want at EtonHouse. Partnerships with parents are essential for a strong community and the IB view parents’ voice as essential for developing agency for all.
As I mentioned at the meeting, the research in this area is unequivocal. Parents that are actively and positively involved in their child’s schooling, assist them to achieve better results in all indicators of success, including academic, social and emotional growth. The interesting thing is this impact affects not only their own children, but all children in the school.
I do hope that many of you will become involved throughout the year, so that we have an active and forward looking parent community.

PYP 2&3 students in learning
School Uniforms
I seek your support in ensuring your child is wearing the EtonHouse school uniform. All EtonHouse schools have a strong and firm commitment to the wearing of the school uniform. I have supported parents concerns about having to buy the complete uniform yearly, but ask that you ensure that you have adequate pieces to enable your child to come to school appropriately attired. With the cooler weather, purchasing warmer clothing now is advised. Please label all your child’s items, as we have many pieces of clothing and drink bottles in Lost Property with no names.

Ms. Donna in library with Early Years students
Whole School and Family Fun Run
Please join us for our family Fun Run/ Jog /Walk, next Friday. The weather is currently perfect for some exercise and this is sure to be a wonderful day to enjoy the beautiful Hexi Ecological Park, while exercising, playing games and sharing a picnic lunch together. In keeping with our commitment to sustainable practices, please refrain from using one use plastic items.
We will ask that you get some friends and relatives to sponsor your child for the laps they finish and this money will be donated to a charity selected and voted on by Student Council.
Parents can meet us at the park or drop their children at school. Students arriving at school will then travel by bus with their teachers to the venue. We will need a lot of parent assistance with set up, marshaling to keep all children on the track and encouraging them, as well as playing games and packing up. Please consider offering assistance to Mr John, and return your availability, on the information sheet that has been sent home.

PYP4 student in presentation
Zone 10 Coffee Shop
The Year 10 Secondary students’ Zone 10 coffee shop’s opening has been highly successful and business has been booming. Students under the guidance of their teachers Ms Denise and Mr Gerry, have been learning all aspects of business management including, marketing, safe food handling, stock control, ordering, invoicing, customer service, profit and loss, money handling and accounting, and of course how to make great coffee and hot chocolate!!
This is all part of their work for the MYP and also contributes to their Community Service hours that is part of the requirements of the MYP.
Thank you for the wonderful support and encouragement you have given the students and staff. Remember Zone 10 is a non-profit venture, with all money earned going to a charity chosen by the students.

Year 10 students are making coffee

Menu and fee details for Zone 10 coffee shop

Enjoy drinks!
Halloween Parade and Morning Activities
I hope that you have started preparing your Halloween costumes using recyclables for our parade and morning activities on Thursday, 31st October. Remember no makeup, guns, lasers or weapons.
This will be a fun morning to look, and admire the creativeness of the costumes as the children join the parade across the floors and meet for a whole school lap of the field. There will be lots of opportunities for photos.
We ask that parents in each class assist in one of three ways:-)
1.Help prepare simple decorations for the classroom with your teachers on the afternoon of Wednesday, 30th to provide a wonderful surprise for the students the next morning. 帮助班级老师准备一些简单的活动装饰,准备活动在十月三十日周三下午举行,这样我们可以在万圣节当天早上给小朋友们带来惊喜。
2.Provide a fun, healthy Halloween themed snack for morning tea with plates, napkins and cups etc. 提供一些和万圣节相关的有趣的健康的小点心
3.With the teacher provide some short, Halloween themed games or creative activities. 和老师们一起策划一些简短的,万圣节主题有关的游戏和活动。
Further information will be coming to you from the organising group.

PYP students in last Halloween activities
Student Council
Our Year 10 Student Council reps, along with Ms. Engela, traveled to Hongzhou International School to meet with their Student Council. They received training in how students can have a voice and demonstrate agency, to help improve their school and community. The girls had a wonderful day and have much to share with our Student Council.

Year 10 Summer and Coco in trip to Hangzhou International School, with Ms. Engela
Play and Stay
Play and Stay亲子活动
We were very pleased with our mini-trial for our Play And Stay, which starts on the 5th November. This is an opportunity for parents, grandparents and carers to join together for a fun morning of chatting, sharing a coffee while the children play. Miss Cherry, will be leading lots of activities to stimulate the children’s curiosity and language development.
我们本周开展了一次小规模的Play and Stay的亲子活动试运行,让人十分满意。亲子活动将于十一月五日正式开始。我们可以通过这个活动,让爸爸妈妈,爷爷奶奶,外公外婆等和小朋友们一起参与到课程活动中来,同时我们也可以享用一下美味的咖啡,和周边其他家长们聊一下关于孩子的心得,以及观察孩子们在活动中的表现和进步。Cherry老师作为这次活动的主要课程老师,非常善于启发学生的好奇心,引导他们用更多语言表达自己。
The children play together in an English speaking environment, share a snack and will access both the indoor and outdoor spaces. During the sessions they will be visited by some of our specialist teachers to share songs, stories and fun games together.
If you are interested in joining or know someone who has a child between18 months and 3 years who would like to join, please see Liz or Kitty, who can provide further information. Places are filling fast.

Ms. Cherry with children in Play and Stay
Story Park故事公园APP
Feedback from classes that have been trialing Storypark, has been positive and we have had some of our teachers receiving online professional training from the consultant in New Zealand. These ‘lead teachers’ will be providing training for staff this week and then will follow up with training for parents who require assistance. In the trial classes, the parents have mostly been able to access the material themselves with little difficulties. It has been lovely seeing the stories, videos and photos that the parents have received and the comments parents and even grandparents have written.

Interim reports and interviews
Teachers are currently preparing PYP/MYP Interim Semester reports, that will be sent out on 25th October.
Teachers will be sending out times for parent interviews over the next week. Please take the opportunity to meet with your child’s class and specialist teachers, to hear about your child’s progress and the next things that the teachers will be doing to support their learning.

PYP students in music class
New staff
We welcome Miss Brittany Cowell to Year 5/6. Brittany has been working at EtonHouse, Dalian and we are delighted to have her join us. Congratulations to Ms Renee on her recent marriage, and we wish her every happiness in the next phase of her life.
我们欢迎五六年级的主班老师Britanny Cowell老师的到来。Renee老师近期结婚了(恭喜她!),她会到她先生的城市生活,希望她和她的先生在新的城市一切顺利。

Ms. Britanny Cowell, homeroom teacher of PYP5&6 class
Middle School and High School.
We are delighted to inform you that we have had confirmation from EtonHouse Singapore, that we will become a full N1 to Year 12 high school over the next two years with our Year 10 students moving on to do the IGCSE and ‘A’ levels, both highly regarded, internationally recognised, qualifications. At this stage it is not feasible to run the IB Diploma program, but this will remain an option for the future.
我们很高兴的通知大家,从新加坡总部那边确认我们将会继续办学到高中部。我们现有的最高年龄段十年级的学生将会之后学习IGCSE(International General Certificate of Secondary Education)和A-Level课程。两个课程都是国际上普遍公认的高度推荐的。按照现有情况,我们运行高中IB课程(IBDP)条件尚不成熟,但是我们会一直将开设IBDP作为我们的目标。
Our MYP program will apply an Expression of Interest to become a Candidate School over the next few months and then we will work towards being a fully authorised MYP school. The process for authorisation is usually around two years.
This is very positive news for our community and ensures we will be a full servicing school with the benefits of having both young and older students on our campus.
Mr Chris and I have been working hard to gather information and to set processes in place for a smooth transition to the new curriculum for Year 10.

MYP3 students with Mr. Phillip

Assembly in Gym
MYP Teachers Professional Development
Our MYP teachers enjoyed a day at Hongzhou International School talking with their MYP subject colleagues about curriculum and best teaching practices. These professional conversations, learning and hearing about how others are working with their students, are invaluable and we sincerely thank Hongzhou International School, who have been exceedingly generous with their time and resources to our staff.
I look forward to two exciting whole school events this month and hope to see many of you at them.
Dates for the Diary
Oct 25th 2019 - Fun Run
十月二十五日 - 快乐公益募捐跑步活动
Oct 31th 2019 - Halloween Activities
十月三十一日 - 万圣节活动
Dec 14th 2019 - Jan 5th 2020 - Christmas Holiday
十二月十四日至一月五日 - 圣诞节假期
Would like to schedule for a visit? Scan here please!

Ms. Lynn Pendleton
EtonHouse International School