Though it's still not mainstream, if you walk through major cities you may see a fan dressed in the sweeping robes,crossed collars and wide sleeves of Hanfu, which literally translates to "Han clothing."
A contested history
Some enthusiasts have developed guidelines to define "authentic" Hanfu. For instance, while many may consider the tight-fitting, high-necked "qipao" as an example of typical Chinese period clothing, in the Hanfu community, it's not considered Han clothing because it originated from the ethnic Manchu people.
It can be a touchy topic -- some Hanfu sites claim that Manchu leaders forcibly erased Hanfu during the Qing dynasty. "They forced the Han people to drop their costumes, and so this piece of China's cultural identity almost died out in the 20th century," state-run media reads one article in .
So for some Hanfu fans, wearing Han clothing becomes an act of cultural and historical reclamation.
But this narrative of Han suppression may not be entirely accurate, and determining "authentic" Hanfu is difficult, said Carrico, who studied and wrote about the phenomenon in his book "The Great Han: Race, Nationalism, and Tradition in China Today."
Carrico argued that Han Chinese wore all types of clothing styles through the dynasties -- so there isn't one Hanfu style but dozens depending on the time period, geographic region and socioeconomic class.

参考译文(By Jennifer)
Though it's still not mainstream, if you walk through major cities you may see a fan dressed in the sweeping robes,crossed collars and wide sleeves of Hanfu, which literally translates to "Han clothing."
虽然汉服还没有成为主流,但如果你穿梭在大城市之中,也许会碰到汉服爱好者身穿拖地长袍,领子交叉,袖子宽松,他们穿的就是英语直译为“Han clothing”的汉服。

sweeping robes 拖地长袍
Dressed in the sweeping robes,crossed collars and wide sleeves直接翻译成身穿拖地长袍、交叉的领子和宽容的袖子,不符合中文逻辑,我们不会说某人穿着领子/袖子。遇到这种“共享动词无法共用”的情况,可以把collars和sleeves这种非主要的名词单独拿出来,翻译成补充语。
句子中的Hanfu是前半句中robes、collars和sleeves的定语,即“汉服的……”,也是后半句定语从句的先行词。为了避免翻成“身穿汉服的拖地长袍、交叉领子和宽松袖子,汉服被英语直译成'Han clothing'”这种鬼句子,我这里用了“他们穿的就是……”来连接前后,是不是通顺了很多?

A contested history
Some enthusiasts have developed guidelines to define "authentic" Hanfu. For instance, while many may consider the tight-fitting, high-necked "qipao" as an example of typical Chinese period clothing, in the Hanfu community, it's not considered Han clothing because it originated from the ethnic Manchu people.

authentic 正宗的,地道的
tight-fitting, high-necked 紧身的,高领的 把这两个词合并成四字词“紧身高领”可以让译文简练许多。
Period costumes, furniture, and instruments were made at an earlier time in history, or look as if they were made then.

It can be a touchy topic -- some Hanfu sites claim that Manchu leaders forcibly erased Hanfu during the Qing dynasty. "They forced the Han people to drop their costumes, and so this piece of China's cultural identity almost died out in the 20th century," state-run media reads one article in .

touchy 敏感的,棘手的
focibly 强力地,用武力
erase 抹去,擦去。这里延伸为“导致…消失”。
state-run 国有的,国营的。State-run media可以翻成“官方媒体”。文章指的是中国日报。

So for some Hanfu fans, wearing Han clothing becomes an act of cultural and historical reclamation.

这个reclamation真的难倒我了。它的本意指的是“开垦;再利用”,还有个英文释义是“to restore to a previous natural state”(韦氏词典)。

But this narrative of Han suppression may not be entirely accurate, and determining "authentic" Hanfu is difficult, said Carrico, who studied and wrote about the phenomenon in his book "The Great Han: Race, Nationalism, and Tradition in China Today."

Carrico, 墨尔本莫纳什大学中国研究高级研究员凯文·卡里科
Han suppression,Han和suppression是被动关系,所以这里我翻成了“汉族被压迫”。

"There wasn't any singular style of clothing prior to the Qing (dynasty) that was designated specifically for people of Han ethnicity," he said in a phone interview.
Carrico argued that Han Chinese wore all types of clothing styles through the dynasties -- so there isn't one Hanfu style but dozens depending on the time period, geographic region and socioeconomic class.

“so there isn't one Hanfu style but dozens depending on the time period, geographic region and socioeconomic class.”
这半句的翻译就涉及到“英语重心在前,汉语重心在后”的问题了。“there isn't one Hanfu style”是这句的主要信息点,按照汉语习惯,把它放在后面进行翻译会比原文的语序要自然。
