“ 青青子衿,悠悠我心。但为君故,沉吟至今。”汉服是一首绝美的诗。汉的大气,晋的飘逸,唐的开放,宋的端庄,明的中和,汉服都深深植根于汉民族文化光辉璀璨的历史文化中。如今“汉服热”兴起,那它又是怎么形成发展的呢。那就我们一起从文章中找寻答案吧。

Back to the Hanfu-ture: Young Chinese revive
China has embraced Western fashion and futuristic technology as its economy boomed in recent decades, but a growing number of young people are looking to the past for their sartorial choices and donning traditional "hanfu", or "Han clothing".
These historic costumes of the Han ethnic majority are enjoying a renaissance in part because the government is promoting traditional culture.
Period dramas have also contributed to the surge in interest for traditional Chinese garb — "The Story of Minglan", a TV series set in the Song Dynasty, garnered more than 400 million viewers in three days when it debuted earlier this year.
In modern China, the hanfu community spans the gamut: from history enthusiasts to anime fans, to students and even young professionals.
A government-supported revival in Chinese culture has given the hanfu community a boost. In April, the Communist Youth League of China launched a two-day conference for traditional Chinese garb, including hanfu. A live broadcast of the event drew some 20 million viewers, alongside a visceral outpouring of emotions.
Clothes are the "foundation of culture, " said Jiang Xue, who is part of Beijing-based hanfu club Mowutianxia. "If we as a people and as a country do not even understand our traditional clothing or don't wear them, how can we talk about other essential parts of our culture?" she said.

embrace v. 拥抱;欣然接受;乐意采纳
英文释义:to accept something enthusiastically
sartorial adj. 穿衣的;衣着的
don v. 穿戴上
renaissance n.(尤指艺术、文学或音乐的)复兴
garb n.(某种特定式样的)服装,装束;制服
debut v. 首演;首次亮相
英文释义:to appear in public or become available for the first time
span v. 包括
gamut n. 全部音阶;整个范围
英文释义:a complete extent or range
visceral adj. 发自内心的;发自肺腑的
the Communist Youth League of China 中国共青团

"汉服"一词的文物记载最早见于《马王堆三号墓遣册》: 简四四"美人四人,其二人楚服,二人汉服"。最早的文献记载,是东汉蔡邕的《独断》:"通天冠:天子常服,汉服受之秦,《礼》无文。" ,最早的正史记载见于《汉书》:"(龟兹公主)后数来朝贺,乐汉衣服制度,归其国,治宫室,作檄道周卫,出入传呼,撞钟鼓,如汉家仪。" 直接与汉朝重建的周礼服制体系有关。正如胡人传统服饰被叫做"胡服",中国传统服饰被称之为"汉服"。所以,后来"汉服"这个词汇的基本内涵也固定下来,即汉族传统服饰。在漫长的历史中"汉服"逐渐成为汉人自我认同的文化象征。在唐代樊绰的书中就明确的称大唐的服饰为"汉服".到了宋元明时期,一些异族酋长也明确地用"汉服"来指称汉人服饰,如"辽国自太宗入晋之后,皇帝与南班汉官用汉服;太后与北班契丹臣僚用国服,其汉服即五代晋之遗制也" ,元代修《辽史》甚至专门为汉服开辟了一个"汉服"条。